Member Expectations
OCRACES personnel are Orange County Sheriff's Department Reserve
Bureau Professional Services Responders (PSRs) or sworn Reserve
Deputies. They are expected to register for meetings or other
scheduled events on the Reserve Tracker Calendar and to record
their hours of OCRACES activity on the Reserve Tracker User Time
OCRACES personnel must possess at least portable (and preferably
mobile) radios programmed to operate on OCRACES 2-meter and
70-centimeter repeaters.
personnel are expected to report for duty during any unscheduled call-up by
the Orange County Sheriff's Department Emergency Management
Division, Reserve Bureau, or Emergency Communications
Bureau/Control One. During a disaster,
personnel are expected first to ensure the well-being of their families
before reporting for duty.
personnel shall not self-activate, but shall monitor at least one of the
OCRACES repeaters for a call-up or to exchange information, immediately
after becoming aware of an actual or possible disaster (such as a strong
earthquake) within the County.
OCRACES personnel must pass FEMA ICS-100, ICS-200, ICS-700, and
ICS-800 courses.
retain certification, OCRACES personnel are expected to attend at least 75
percent of all regular and staff meetings, to participate in at least 75
percent of all drills, exercises, simulated disasters, and other training
sessions, and to check into at least 75 percent of all OCRACES nets during
the year. To retain certification, OCRACES personnel are also expected to
report for duty for at least 75 percent of all call-outs for disasters or
scheduled events during the year.
OCRACES personnel may belong to another RACES organization, but
must give first priority to OCRACES during activations.
personnel are expected to adhere to all FCC Rules and Regulations, and to
conduct themselves in a manner befitting certified public-safety
communicators. They shall take pride in using excellent operating procedures
at all times, whether or not during a RACES drill or event.
personnel are expected to show a desire to help others, to learn from other
personnel, and to train other personnel. They must exhibit an interest in
and aptitude for handling emergency communications.
personnel are expected to maintain their radio equipment in excellent
operating condition, and to know thoroughly all functions of their equipment
and the equipment at the Emergency Operations Center. OCRACES personnel are
also expected to maintain their duty bags and first-aid kits to be ready for
virtually any type of activation. Furthermore, OCRACES personnel are
expected to purchase uniforms in accordance with OCSD Reserve Bureau prescribed requirements
for PSRs or Reserve Deputies,
and to present a professional public-safety appearance when on duty.